Your frequently asked Questions and Answers
This page contains answers to common questions we get about our storage solutions.
Is the site secure?
Yes it is, please refer to our security page to see the full details of our security measures on site.
When can I access my storage unit?
Anytime. You can come and go as you please, 24/7.
Can I get immediate access to a storage space?
You can book a storage space from our website here whenever there is a storage space available. Once you have completed the booking, providing your payment details, you will be sent a pincode access for Sunderland Storage and allocated a storage space which you can immediately access. This usually happens within a day of the booking.
How do I gain access to my storage space if I lose my key for my own padlock?
You will need to cut the padlock off in that case.
What is the minimum storage period?
The minimum term for storage is one month.
When does the storage period commence?
Your booking commences from the date you contract with us to “Book Storage Now”. You are not able to reserve a storage space in advance of the current date, but you are only able to book available units immediately for a minimum period of one month from the current date.
How much do Storage Units cost per month?
Go to our storage options page to check the prices for either our Storage Containers or our Storage Units.
What payment methods do you accept?
Once you make a booking on our website you will complete a direct debit form authorising the monthly rental to be deducted from your nominated bank account once a month. This is the only form of payment that we accept.
How do I cancel my Storage Unit?
Once you are a customer of Sunderland Storage, you will have an account on this website, You need to login to your account if you want to cancel your storage and complete the cancellation notice, providing a “ cancelled from date" giving us a minimum of 7 days notice prior to the next due payment date (Anniversary date). If you nominate a "canceled from date” less than 7 days before your next due payment date, you will be charged a full month’s rental on the due payment date. Your storage with us is effectively cancelled on the date that you nominate in the cancellation request, noted as the “cancelled from date”. You will not have access to your Storage unit after that date.
What size Storage Units do you have?
We have two types of storage - Storage Containers and Storage Units. Refer to our storage options page for al the details.
Do I have to take out insurance?
No, you don’t have to, but we strongly recommend that you do take out insurance for your goods.
If I need assistance, can I speak to someone?
Yes. You'll find our phone number on our contact us page.